Schlagwort: Natur

  • Wyoming – somethin’ about… (I)

    Wyoming – somethin’ about… (I)

    Here are some details and facts about Wyoming. I am preparing for my three week stay and I like to tune into the land that is so beautiful and that I’ve been longing to travel since many years. Wenn ich eine Reise mache, tauche ich gerne schon vorher ein in das Land, die Geographie, die…

  • Biber!


    Some days ago we went to the beautiful valley we had already visited by bike this spring. This time we wanted to hike through the valley to spend more time looking at the scenery. To our surprise this and other valleys nearby is also a home to beavers and we saw their dams and how…

  • Radfahrt bei Heigenbrücken

    Radfahrt bei Heigenbrücken

    Last Sunday we made a 20 mile biking tour in a beautiful valley just about 30 minutes drive from our home. We started in a town called Heigenbrücken and drove to Partenstein, and all the way back. The track followed the small Lohr river and the whole valley is a nature reserve, with lots of…

  • Kräuterwanderung Wenighösbach

    Kräuterwanderung Wenighösbach

    Last Saturday a lady offered a hike to the meadows and woods around Wenighösbach and she showed us (we were a group of 8 people) which herbs can be collected for eating and cooking. The weather was very cloudy and cool in the morning, in the late afternoon the sun came out. We finished our…

  • Buschwindröschen im Spessart

    Buschwindröschen im Spessart

    It’s the time of the year when spring really starts to run wild. One of the beautiful things to see are the carpets of wood anemones in the forests when the trees don’t have any new leaves yet. Here are some photos I took, it’s just a ten minutes walk from our home. Enjoy 🙂…

  • Küchenausblicke

    View from our kitchen to the east… Mit Blick nach Osten aus unserer Küche, und zur Zeit ist Sonnenaufgang zu einer recht moderaten Zeit – im Sommer muss man dafür schon richtig früh aufstehen…